A delicate balance of prevention and early intervention can prevent cardiovascular disease

A delicate balance of prevention and early intervention can prevent cardiovascular disease

A major global health concern, with heart attacks and strokes ranking as leading causes of death worldwide. Cardiovascular disease continues to be a major global health concern, with heart attacks and strokes ranking as leading causes of death worldwide. However, these conditions are not inevitable. Individuals can take proactive steps toward safeguarding their heart health […]

Taking a Stand for Dental Health: ADA Applauds Call for Sugar Tax

Taking a Stand for Dental Health: ADA Applauds Call for Sugar Tax

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) applauds the recent report by the Grattan Institute titled “Sickly Sweet,” which echoes the ADA’s longstanding advocacy for the implementation of a sugar tax on sugary beverages. Dr. Scott Davis, President of the ADA and a respected prosthodontist from New South Wales, emphasizes the urgent need for Australia to adopt […]

‘Illness To Wellness’ joins hands with ILBS to generate awareness, end discrimination against Hepatitis B patients

‘Illness To Wellness’ joins hands with ILBS to generate awareness, end discrimination against Hepatitis B patients

The ‘Illness to Wellness’ initiative, a national campaign aimed at generating awareness on various mind and body conditions and providing holistic and broad stakeholder engagements – with the overall objective of promoting healthy living, in collaboration with the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), has embarked on a mission to spread awareness about prevention […]

Understanding the science behind sleepy eyes

Understanding the science behind sleepy eyes

Many healthy individuals suffer from the problem of heavy eyelids which is usually due to fatigue lack of rest or spending too much time in front of the computer screens. A few eye allergies, infections, and medical conditions can also be responsible for causing heavy, droopy eyelids. After a long day at work, we generally […]

The superfood you didn’t know you needed in life!

The superfood you didn’t know you needed in life!

Millets, a diverse group of small-seeded, hardy grains, have been an integral part of India’s agricultural landscape and dietary traditions for thousands of years. Because of their resilience and suitability for India’s varied agro-climatic conditions, millets require little in the way of inputs and water to thrive. India is the highest producer and consumer of […]

Is mobile screen the new cocaine?

Is mobile screen the new cocaine?

In 2017, Frontiers in Psychiatry published ‘An Update Overview on Brain Imaging Studies of Internet Gaming Disorder’ as part of their research on IGD or Internet Gaming Disorder. By Sachin Kapoor The conclusion was startling: “There is an emerging evidence that IGD is associated with similar brain mechanisms responsible for substance use disorders. The brain […]

1st human gets brain implant from Neuralink, recovering well: Musk

1st human gets brain implant from Neuralink, recovering well: Musk

New Delhi, Jan 30  Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has announced that his brain-computer interface company Neuralink has successfully achieved its first human implant, and the test subject is recovering well. Musk said that the company’s first product, called Telepathy, would bring control of a phone or computer just by thinking. Neuralink last year […]

More diabetics died during pandemic, women & children more affected: Lancet

More diabetics died during pandemic, women & children more affected: Lancet

New York, Jan 24  Non-Covid-19-related deaths among people with diabetes increased during the pandemic, and women and children suffered more from related complications, according to a global study review published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. The review, commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) looked at 138 studies comparing pre-pandemic to during pandemic periods […]

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