Minister Marks World Aids Day

Minister Marks World Aids Day

Health Minister Jillian Skinner today officially marked World AIDS Day by calling on people at risk of contracting HIV to take precautions and seek regular testing. Mrs Skinner told the Customs House event, hosted by Positive Life, that NSW is continuing to roll out a range of innovative campaigns and testing technologies as part of […]

ODO Tampering and false log books brings prison term and fine

ODO Tampering and false log books brings prison term and fine

Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe has welcomed the agency’s first custodial sentence for an unlicensed motor dealer and odometer tamperer. Yagoona man, Adam Assad, was yesterday sentenced to eight months imprisonment and ordered to pay $52,616 in fines, costs and compensation by Parramatta Local Court after being convicted of four Crimes Act and six Motor Dealers Act offences […]



NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell has today departed Sydney on his third official visit to India to promote trade and investment opportunities for NSW. During the one week visit, Mr O’Farrell will meet senior government representatives and business leaders in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mumbai with a focus on the infrastructure, education, financial services and tourism sectors. […]

State’s most violent venus named

Minister for Hospitality, George Souris, today released a list of the State’s most violent venues which will face a range of tough operating conditions. Mr Souris said Round 10 of the violent venues list, based on Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) data for the 2012/13 financial year, names 21 venues for excessive numbers […]

NSW facing gas supply shortage without local production

An independent report has highlighted the potential for NSW households to suffer severe gas shortages during winter months if proposed gas projects in Narrabri and Gloucester are not brought on line by 2017. Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said the findings, released today by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), supported the NSW Government’s view that […]

Victorian Companies excel at Australian Export Awards

Victorian companies have demonstrated their excellence in performing in international markets by winning four awards, including the Prime Minister’s Exporter of the Year Award at the 51st Australian Export Awards in Melbourne. The awards comprised twelve industry categories and featured seventy six national finalists including all category winners from the Governor of Victoria Export Awards. […]

Tourism Forum Highlights NSW Government’s support for blue mountains

The NSW Government today reinforced its commitment to help the Blue Mountains tourism industry recover from the recent disastrous bushfires by holding a forum with local operators and business owners. The forum was attended by Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, and Member for Blue Mountains, Roza Sage MP, who outlined the support […]

Top scientists put school science and maths education under the microscope

Victoria’s Minister for Education Martin Dixon today joined internationally renowned scientists and educators at the John Monash Science School to discuss the global challenge of engaging more school students in science and maths education. Speaking at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Symposium, Mr Dixon said engaging school students in maths and science education […]

Making a Great Harbour Experience even better

Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay today announced the introduction of new marina destinations for boaters on Sydney Harbour. “Everybody loves a day out on the harbour but for many recreational boaters it can often be a challenge to find somewhere to hop off, take a break, or grab something to eat or drink,” […]