By Sanjay B Jumaani Number 1- (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month, as well a  This period, right until the 21st December is governed by Jupiter (3), which in Astrology is friendly with your ruler, the Sun. 3 (Jupiter) & 1 (Sun), both are givers of light, life & […]

Tarot card Predictions November

Tarot card Predictions November

By Puja Shaktti Horoscope for November 2021 advises individuals to compensate their tiredness with joyous events. This way you will be able to recharge lost energy. You have so much ahead of you, even though it might not seem so. Take time also to relax. Especially your body will be very busy this month. The […]

Tarot card Predictions October

Tarot card Predictions October

By Puja Shaktti October 2021 according to the stars, this period will be very stable. After the previous months, which were not easy, you will finally feel relief again.A new stability that will be brought to people by the month of October, can be used especially in the field of personal development, but also when […]



By  Sanjay B Jumaani Number 1- (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month, as well as Leos) Like the Alpha-Wolf in a pack, not only are you dependable, you are also fiercely independent. Leadership comes as a boon to you, and that is no surprise. Like the Sun (your governor), […]

Tarot card Predictions September By Puja Shaktti

Tarot card Predictions September By Puja Shaktti

Mercury’s last period of retrograde motion in 2021 lasts from September 27 to October 17, According to the vedic astrology, we are all influenced by the effect of Mercury in retrograde.The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. […]



Number 1- (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month, as well as Leos)  You may have had a feast of a time on the work front or may have even noticed a sudden leap in your relationship trajectory- owing to your consecutive lucky months (Cancer & Leo); do bask in […]

Tarot card Predictions August 2021

Tarot card Predictions August 2021

This month will be crucial mainly for the sign of Virgo and Libra August 22nd – Full Moon in Aquarius (Sun in Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius) The Sun in Leo,Venus in Virgo,Mercury in Leo,Mars in Virgo ARIES ~(MARCH 21-APRIL 20 ) FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy Aries has natural leadership skills, and they […]

Tarot card predictions June 2021

Tarot card predictions June 2021

Mars will have a strong position, which will add energy to some, but it can give fire signs a mood for quarrels. You should make the most of your physical strength, which will help you clear your negative mind.   The Sun in Gemini,Venus in Cancer,Mercury in Gemini,Mars in Cancer        ARIES ~(MARCH 21-APRIL […]

Tarot card predictions May 2021

Tarot card predictions May 2021

This time will bring stress to the water signs, Many you will be strongly influenced by Saturn, giving them the need to force their authority and respect from those around them. This combination can be explosive with fixed signs, especially Aquarians and Tauruses, be careful so that your loved ones do not suffer because of […]

Tarot card predictions May 2021

Tarot card predictions May 2021

This time will bring stress to the water signs, Many you will be strongly influenced by Saturn, giving them the need to force their authority and respect from those around them. This combination can be explosive with fixed signs, especially Aquarians and Tauruses, be careful so that your loved ones do not suffer because of […]