Numerology predictions 2023: New year special

Numerology predictions 2023: New year special

By Pujashaktti   The four-digit number “2023” gives off an aura of wisdom, spirituality, and perception. 2023 adds up to a 7 (2+0+2+3), the energy tells us to focus on ourselves. We need to take stock of how we’ve evolved due to the growth 2022 demands now that we’ve developed with others. The number 7  corresponds […]

By Sanjay B Jumaani

<strong>AUGUST 2022 PREDICTIONS!<br>By Sanjay B Jumaani</strong>

Number 1-  (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month, as well as Leos)  From this Leo governed month of August (1, Sun), your very own number, a much better time shall kick-in. A perfect analogy- like Sun, your ruler, you too have taken time to emanate and get warmed-up. Starting […]



By Sanjay B Jumaani Number 1-(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month) This month is governed by Zodiacs, Cancer (2) & Leo (1), which are both lucky for you number 1’s. So you could look forward to more opportunities than the past few months. But capitalize and choose the better […]



By Sanjay B Jumaani Number 1-(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month) This month is governed by Zodiacs, Cancer (2) & Leo (1), which are both lucky for you number 1’s. So you could look forward to more opportunities than the past few months. But capitalize and choose the better […]

FEBRUARY 2022 PREDICTIONS! – By Sanjay B Jumaani

FEBRUARY 2022 PREDICTIONS! – By Sanjay B Jumaani

Number 1-(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month) This month could be similar to the last one in terms of work, health & love; like last month’s zodiac Capricorn, this month is governed by Aquarius, which is also ruled by Saturn, the Lord of trials & judgements. Number 1, in […]