India’s regional navigation satellite system by 2015

India’s regional navigation satellite system by 2015

New Delhi, Dec 18  India is hoping that its own regional navigation satellite, on the lines of China’s, will become operational by 2015, the government said Wednesday. Replying to a question on India’s space programme vis-a-vis China’s, Minister of State in the PMO V. Narayanaswamy told the Lok Sabha that the first satellite for the […]

Plan ahead for holiday road trips with new roads opened

Plan ahead for holiday road trips with new roads opened

Minister for Roads Duncan Gay today urged motorists to plan their Christmas and New Year holiday road trips, with heavy traffic expected on main roads and highways across the state, many of which have been improved since last Christmas. “This was a year of delivering for roads across NSW. We’ve opened a number of new […]

Dipika hated cricketers till she met Dinesh Karthik

Dipika hated cricketers till she met Dinesh Karthik

New Delhi, Dec 16  Finally, India’s squash queen Dipika Pallikal has broken her silence to confirm that Dinesh Karthik and she are indeed engaged. For good measure, she adds that she hated cricketers till she met the wicketkeeper-batsman, believing the enormous fame and publicity they get is dwarfing other sportspersons. Not that she has changed […]

Pass Lokpal bill in din if needed: Anna Hazare

Pass Lokpal bill in din if needed: Anna Hazare

Ralegan Siddhi, Dec 15  Social activist Anna Hazare Sunday said the government should pass the Lokpal Bill in din if needed. Hazare also said the session shouls be extended if needed to pass the proposed legislaion. “I would say if some parties are creating ruckus, pass the bill in din… so many bills are passed […]

Major upgrade for springwood fire station completed

Major upgrade for springwood fire station completed

The NSW Government today unveiled the newly completed $1.5 million upgrade of Springwood Fire Station in the Blue Mountains. Celebrating at the official opening was Acting Minister for Police and Emergency Services Greg Smith SC, Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner Greg Mullins and Member for the Blue Mountains Roza Sage. “The NSW Government is committed […]

Greens welcome recommendations to fight human trafficking in NSW

Greens welcome recommendations to fight human trafficking in NSW

Greens Spokesperson for Multiculturalism and Spokesperson for the Status of Women, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, has welcomed the recommendations of the Community Relations Commission in relation to human trafficking in New South Wales, including the establishment of a Human Trafficking Ministerial Advisory Council. “Human trafficking, including labour and sex trafficking, affects millions of women, men […]

Extraordinary U.S Artist Chuck Close Secured for NSW Exclusive

Extraordinary U.S Artist Chuck Close Secured for NSW Exclusive

Chuck Close, one of the world’s most renowned artists, whose life is a study in overcoming severe adversary, will be the Museum of Contemporary Art’s (MCA) 2014-2015 Sydney International Art Series artist, Minister for Tourism, Major Events and the Arts, George Souris and MCA Director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, announced today. Close will be bringing a […]

Grant to help set the stage for oatley seniors celebration

Grant to help set the stage for oatley seniors celebration

Member for Oatley, Mark Coure MP, has helped ensure Oatley is ready for the 2014 Seniors Week celebrations by today awarding local funding as part of the NSW Seniors Week Grants program. “Seniors play a significant part in our society and they deserve to be celebrated and have their contributions honoured,” Mr Coure said. “Our […]

American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin Honors 4 At 2013 Fall Meeting

American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin Honors 4 At 2013 Fall Meeting

American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO) honored Greg Behar, President and CEO of Boehringer lngelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Dr. Joseph M. Chalil, Associate Director, Health Science Executives, Boehringer Ingelheim USA, and Dr. Dinender K. Singla, a graduate of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India for their achievements in the field of […]