UNSC calls for unhindered humanitarian access in Yemen

UNSC calls for unhindered humanitarian access in Yemen

The UN Security Council has called on all parties to the conflict in Yemen to allow and facilitate safe, rapid and unhindered humanitarian access to all affected areas. In a statement on Thursday, the council expressed concern over the impact that access restrictions on commercial and humanitarian imports have on the humanitarian situation, Xinhua news […]

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization, demands documents about Russia

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization, demands documents about Russia

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to the ongoing probe into the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, the media reported. The order is the first known instance of Mueller demanding records directly related to Donald Trump’s businesses, bringing the investigation closer to […]

Lahore blast: Toll reaches 9

Lahore blast: Toll reaches 9

The death toll in a suicide blast that hit a police check post in the Pakistan city here late last night has risen to nine, a police officer said. Deputy Inspector General of Lahore Police Haider Ashraf said that the toll rose after two of the injured succumbed to injuries, adding that five policemen and […]

Pele still recuperating from hip surgery

Pele still recuperating from hip surgery

Brazil football legend Pele has said he is still recovering from two operations on his right hip. The 77-year-old was a guest of honour at a World Economic Forum event in Sao Paulo and said his condition was gradually improving despite still needing a walker. “I am well, but I cannot assure that I will […]

Kudlow accepts offer to be National Economic Council director

Kudlow accepts offer to be National Economic Council director

Conservative economic analyst Larry Kudlow has accepted the job of White House National Economic Council director to replace the outgoing Gary Cohn, the White House has said. “Larry Kudlow was offered, and accepted, the position of Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council,” White House press secretary Sarah […]

Told Tillerson of Trump’s firing decision beforehand: White House

Told Tillerson of Trump’s firing decision beforehand: White House

The White House “did” inform Rex Tillerson about US President Donald Trump’s decision to sack him as Secretary of State beforehand, a top official has said. White House Spokesperson Raj Shah said Tillerson was informed earlier on last Friday. US Under Secretary of State Steve Goldstein, however, had said on Tuesday that Tillerson “is unaware […]

Empowering rural women, girls: India’s insight at UN

Empowering rural women, girls: India’s insight at UN

India has shared with other countries its insights on empowering rural women and girls at an event on the sidelines of the meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women drawing on its many programmes. Leaders, diplomats and activists heard about how India was combating domestic violence, trying to right the unbalanced sex ratio, […]

Haley warns UN: Russia may use chemical weapon on New York

Haley warns UN: Russia may use chemical weapon on New York

Expressing solidarity with the UK, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has warned that if concrete measures were not initiated, “Russia will use chemical weapons here in New York or in cities of any country that sits on this Council”. Haley said the Donald Trump administration “stands in absolute solidarity with Great Britain” following […]

WhatsApp not to share British users’ data with Facebook

WhatsApp not to share British users’ data with Facebook

WhatsApp has signed a public commitment with Britain’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) not to share users’ personal data with Facebook until data protection concerns are addressed. Facebook-owned WhatsApp signed an “undertaking” wherein they have given a public commitment not to share personal data with Facebook until they can do so in compliance with the upcoming […]

Metropolitan Opera fires its director for sexual harassment

Metropolitan Opera fires its director for sexual harassment

New York’s Metropolitan Opera on Monday fired its music director emeritus, James Levine, after an investigation that turned up “credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexual harassment during his career. The investigation “uncovered credible evidence that Levine engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct both before and during the period when he worked at […]