Five new nations join UNSC as members

Five new nations join UNSC as members

Five new countries joined the UN Security Council (UNSC) as non-permanent members starting from the new year, while Jordan assumed Thursday the rotating presidency of the Council for January. Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania and Nigeria have begun their two-year term, replacing Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan and Togo, Xinhua reported Friday. Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zedi Al-Hussein, […]

Israeli jets attack Gaza after rocket fire

Israeli jets attack Gaza after rocket fire

Israeli F16 fighter jets carried out several raids in the Gaza Strip early Friday after Palestinian militants fired a rocket into southern Israel, witnesses and security sources said. The air strikes targetted militant training sites and open spaces in the middle and north of the coastal enclave started just after midnight. There were no immediate […]

Oil theft drops to 40,000 barrels daily: Nigerian governor

Oil theft drops to 40,000 barrels daily: Nigerian governor

The volume of oil theft in oil rich Nigeria’s Niger Delta region has reduced from 100,000 barrels to 40,00 barrels per day, the governor of oil rich Delta State said Thursday. Although the quantity of the stolen crude was still on the high side, with proactive measures by government, the menace would be checked, reported […]

GCC condemns Syrian regime for killing its people

GCC condemns Syrian regime for killing its people

Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), has condemned the Syrian regime for using brutal methods to continue killing its people. Al-Zayani, it was reported Thursday, said that the regime’s forces were killing people and destroying Syrian cities, regardless of both humanitarian and ethical […]

India, Maldives to amicably resolve GMR issue

India, Maldives to amicably resolve GMR issue

India and the Maldives Thursday agreed to “amicably resolve” all differences, including on the GMR issue, as visiting Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen held talks here with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he has requested the Maldives government to “amicably settle the issue of the Male International Airport”. The two sides also […]

South Korean minister cautions over North Korea’s double strategy

South Korean minister cautions over North Korea’s double strategy

South Korea’s senior military officer Thursday cautioned about a possible good cop-bad cop strategy of North Korea, pointing towards the New Year’s address made by its top leader. Seoul’s Defence Minister Kim Kwan-jin said North Korea might conduct the carrot-and-stick strategy, which means Pyongyang could offer to hold dialogue with Seoul while having an axe […]

Chile takes seat at UNSC

Chile takes seat at UNSC

Chile took its seat at the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) as a non-permanent member of the international body till Dec 31, 2015. It marked the fifth time the South American nation has been invited to sit on the council and help uphold the UN’s “principles of non-intervention and respect for international treaties”, Chile’s foreign ministry […]

Toll rises to 33 in Russia bombings

Toll rises to 33 in Russia bombings

The toll has risen to 33 in the suicide bombing attacks earlier this week in the Russian city of Volgograd, the country’s emergencies ministry said Tuesday. The city’s railway station was bombed Sunday and a bus was ripped apart Monday, raising fears of Islamist attacks on the upcoming Winter Olympics in Soch, some 1,600 km […]

Volcano erupts in Indonesia

Volcano erupts in Indonesia

Mount Sinabung, one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, erupted Tuesday, spewing hot ash up to 7,000 metres high along with lava and forcing evacuation, an official said. Hot lava burst forth with flames from the crater and slid off the southeast slope of the volcano, leading the authorities to warn all residents nearby […]