3D print soft toys soon

Washington, April 19 (IANS) A team from Disney Research and Carnegie Mellon University has devised a 3D printer that layers together laser-cut sheets of fabric to form soft, squeezable objects such as bunnies, doll clothing and phone cases. These objects can have complex geometries and incorporate circuitry that makes them interactive. The new fabric printer […]

Afghan parliament endorses 16 ministers-designate

Afghan parliament endorses 16 ministers-designate

Sixteen more ministerial candidates were endorsed by the Wolesi Jirga, or lower house, of the Afghan parliament on Saturday. The Afghan government has 25 ministries and Saturday’s voting brought to 24 the number of ministers approved by the lower house while the post for the country’s defence ministry remained unfilled, Xinhua reported. “All 16 minister-candidates […]

Journalist shot dead in Ukraine

Journalist shot dead in Ukraine

A Ukrainian journalist was shot dead on Thursday by unidentified gunmen near his house in central Kiev, the country’s interior ministry said. Oles Buzina was killed at 1.20 p.m. by two masked gunmen, who fired several shots from a car and fled, Xinhua news agency reported citing ministry spokesperson Julia Mustash. Buzina, 45, worked as […]

Decoded: What causes knuckle-cracking sound

New York, April 16 (IANS) Next time when your kid asks you to “pull his finger,” also tell him the secret behind the distinctive popping sounds that are heard while cracking knuckles. Settling a a decades-long debate about what happens when you crack your knuckles, an international team of researchers led by the University of […]

European Commission levels antitrust charges against Google

European Commission levels antitrust charges against Google

The European Commission on Wednesday formally accused Google of abusing its dominant presence to favour its own products in internet searches, and announced an antitrust probe into the Android mobile operating system. “The European Commission has sent a statement of objections to Google alleging the company has abused its dominant position in the markets for […]

US presidential race: Hillary Clinton Vs the rest

US presidential race: Hillary Clinton Vs the rest

The US presidential race took off with Hillary Clinton finally jumping into the fray with an aura of inevitability, but that analysts suggested may turn out to be the former secretary of state’s biggest handicap. In her second bid to break the glass ceiling and return to the White House, the former first lady chose […]

British Indian woman election candidate stands for change

British Indian woman election candidate stands for change

Gita Gordon, nominated by Britain’s Liberal Democrats as a candidate in next month’s parliamentary elections, has been a busy woman lately, attending one meeting after another and canvassing door-to-door, but never feels tired to underline her resolve to stand by the voters and prove they can change things. Gordon, an India-born woman fighting from the […]