Nepal reminiscences on lost heritage through images

Nepal reminiscences on lost heritage through images

Staring disbelievingly at the Basantapur Durbar Square here, which is now part-rubble and part-broken, Manisha K.C. hopes her country’s “lost heritage” is returned to its glory, “like it was before the devastating earthquake”. “This is what our heritage is all about. This is the old palace area before it shifted to Narayanhiti (Palace Museum); it […]

Nepal intensifies search for 300 people missing in Langtang

Nepal intensifies search for 300 people missing in Langtang

Rescue teams have intensified search operations in Lantang region, one of the worst affected by the 7.9-magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25, to find roughly 300 people who have reportedly gone missing. Among the missing people are around 100 foreigners but the authorities do not expect to find any survivors. Gautam Rimal, a […]

World Food Programme nourishes 267,000 people in Nepal

World Food Programme nourishes 267,000 people in Nepal

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Wednesday that it distributed food to 267,000 of the 1.4 million Nepalese people in need of food after the disastrous earthquake that hit the country on April 25. Rice, a staple in the Nepalese diet, and nutritionally fortified biscuits were among the foodstuffs passed out, WFP representative […]

India crticises role of religion-based organsations in security matters at UN

India crticises role of religion-based organsations in security matters at UN

India has cautioned against the UN giving religion-based organisations a role in international security matters and warned that it could be “counterproductive”. Prakash Gupta, a counsellor at India’s UN mission, said on Monday the UN Charter’s provisions on the role of regional organisations in international peace and security issues clearly refers to “organisations formed on […]

Nepalese hilly town of Gurkha is in ruins

Nepalese hilly town of Gurkha is in ruins

Ran Bahadur Gurung is scouring for his belongings in the rubble which once used to be his house at this remote but picturesque village of Gurkha in Nepal, the epicentre of the devastating earthquake in Himalayan nation. While rummaging through the ruins, he stumbles across a mangled aluminum container. He flings it, mumbling something in […]

Not many deaths but fear haunts Pokhara

Not many deaths but fear haunts Pokhara

It has been a week of agony and pain in Nepal. While tourist hotspot Pokhara escaped the brunt of the 7.9 temblor, most people remain scared. As one proceeds to Pokhara off the highway from Munglin, worried faces are a normal sight. People at roadside eateries bite into ‘sekhua’ – a dried meat dish – […]