Facebook hires former Uber PR chief Rachel Whetstone

Facebook hires former Uber PR chief Rachel Whetstone

Facebook has hired Uber’s former top public relations executive as vice-president of communications for its multiple platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. According to a report in The Guardian on Tuesday, Whetstone, who has worked for some of the Britain’s most powerful Conservative politicians, stepped down as head of public policy and communications at Uber […]

Sri Lanka and Singapore to finalize FTA

Sri Lanka and Singapore to finalize FTA

Sri Lanka and Singapore are to finalise a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) this year, Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake said on Tuesday. Karunanayake said that during his discussions with visiting Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, particular attention was paid to ways and means of further strengthening bilateral trade and investment. The proposed Sri Lanka-Singapore FTA is […]

Iran says new US sanctions violate n-deal spirit

Iran says new US sanctions violate n-deal spirit

The new sanctions against Iran by the US are damaging already frayed Tehran-Washington ties, and violate the 2015 nuclear pact, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said. Zarif’s statement came after the US on Tuesday imposed new sanctions against Iran, a day after Washington said Tehran was complying with the 2015 nuclear deal signed […]

Sisi, Macron discuss ways to resolve Libyan crisis

Sisi, Macron discuss ways to resolve Libyan crisis

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi on Sunday discussed over the phone with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron ways to enhance bilateral ties and resolve Libya’s crisis. The two leaders expressed the willingness to promote the bilateral ties at all levels and enhance partnership between the two nations, Xinhua reported. Macron stressed the importance of continuing coordination […]

Britain announces new measures to curb unabated acid attacks

Britain announces new measures to curb unabated acid attacks

Britain’s Home Secretary Amber Rudd announced on Sunday new measures to curb the growing number of acid attacks. Her move follows a spate of five attacks within a 90-minute period towards the end of last week in London. Two teenage boys were arrested after those attacks, and one of them aged 16 has been charged […]

Clashes between worshippers, Israeli police outside al-Aqsa

Clashes between worshippers, Israeli police outside al-Aqsa

Clashes erupted outside Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque compound on Sunday as Israeli authorities implemented new security measures at the Mosque entrance. According to media reports, several Palestinians were injured during the clashes. A video footage broadcast on Israel’s Channel 2 TV news showed anti-riots police beating and kicking demonstrators outside the compound, Xinhua reported. A police […]

Trump attacks media for coverage of Russia case

Trump attacks media for coverage of Russia case

US President Donald Trump once again attacked the media on Sunday for what he calls its fake news, this time for disparaging his son, Donald Trump Jr., in their coverage of the Russia case. “Hillary Clinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned […]

Trump’s six-month approval rating hits historic low

Trump’s six-month approval rating hits historic low

A new poll showed on Sunday the approval rating for the US President Donald Trump sits at 36 per cent after a steady decline since springtime. The approval rating for Trump, who approaches six months in office, is lower than that of any of his predecessors in 70 years, Xinhua reported. Results of the poll, […]

Macron expects Trump to reverse decision on Paris accord

Macron expects Trump to reverse decision on Paris accord

 French President Emmanuel Macron said he hoped his American counterpart Donald Trump would reverse his decision to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord. “Donald Trump listened to me, he understood the meaning of my approach, including the link between global warming and terrorism. He told me that he would try to find a […]

Brazilian President Temer survives parliamentary commission vote

Brazilian President Temer survives parliamentary commission vote

The Commission on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies voted on Thursday to reject the corruption charges against President Michel Temer by 40 votes to 25. In this way, the CCJ advises the full Chamber of Deputies to vote against the report elaborated by deputy Sergio Zveiter, which recommended accepting the […]