‘Smart’ pills your gateway to super health?

Washington, May 26 (IANS) Do you know that smart pills carrying miniature chips, sensors, cameras and robots can analyse your body from the inside? These implantable chips that claim to help patients track the condition of their bodies in real time have sparked debate among experts, a Washington Post report says. “There is something very troubling […]

Ice cream or chocolate won’t boost your mood!

New York, May 26 (IANS) Rushing to gulp that chocolate ice cream may not actually boost your mood. In fact, we may simply feel better after some time regardless of what food we eat, researchers say. “Whether it is your comfort food, or it is a granola bar, or if you eat nothing at all, you […]

Red wine can fight cavities too

Madrid, May 22 (IANS) For red wine lovers, there is another bubbly news. According to new research, red wine, as well as grape seed extract, could potentially help prevent cavities – and your visit to the dentist’s chair too! This discovery could lead to the development of natural products that ward off dental diseases with fewer […]

Soon, take the pill through nasal spray

London, May 22 (IANS) What if spraying your nose can transport the drug to its destination in your body and you don’t require to pop those pills? Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have found a new and more efficient ways of transporting drugs to the brain. “People with brain diseases are often given huge […]

Make summer wardrobe stylish, colourful

New Delhi, May 21 (IANS) From bold and floral prints to various shades of blue – one of the best things about summer is the presence of vibrant colours in the wardrobe. Follow an expert’s tips to make your wardrobe stylish and glamorous. Men’s apparel brand John Players has come up with some glamorous designs that […]

Drop olive oil on salad to lower BP

London, May 20 (IANS) You have another reason to put olive oil on your salad – protection from hypertension. Putting olive oil on vegetables may bring health benefits that are not found when the oil is drizzled on other foods, research suggests. “The findings explain why Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts can […]

Bacteria trigger urge to urinate

New York, May 19 (IANS) If you are one of those affected by the “gotta go” feeling – the sudden urge to urinate that you cannot control, it may be because of the bacteria in urine, a study showed. Contrary to popular belief, urine is not sterile and the bacteria in it may be associated with […]

Essentials for summer outdoor entertaining

New York, May 18 (IANS) Longing for relaxed evenings on the deck with friends, food and drinks? Work on the outdoor arrangement first. Here’s how to set the mood for summer outdoor entertaining, reports huffingtonpost.com: * Design a welcoming seating arrangement: Think of your outdoor furniture as you would your indoor living room furniture, and arrange […]

Get to work early if want a good raise!

Washington, May 17 (IANS) Have you received a less favourable appraisal from your boss this year? You are likely coming to office late. A study has found bosses to be favouring employees who, even though on flexible timings, arrived early. Researchers decided to see if workers were, as it has been claimed, being penalised for working […]

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