Tourism Forum Highlights NSW Government’s support for blue mountains

The NSW Government today reinforced its commitment to help the Blue Mountains tourism industry recover from the recent disastrous bushfires by holding a forum with local operators and business owners. The forum was attended by Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, and Member for Blue Mountains, Roza Sage MP, who outlined the support […]

Melbourne to become Australia’s biggest city

Latest population projections for Australia released yesterday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that Melbourne and Victoria will continue to accommodate strong population growth over the coming 50 years. The statistics released by the ABS forecast that according to projection series B (medium growth) Melbourne’s population is expected to surpass Sydney’s by 2053. However […]

That’s not on: Shane Jacobson gets behind NSW Lifejacket Campaign

Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay today launched the state’s biggest lifejacket awareness campaign to promote safe and responsible boating behaviour. Minister Gay was joined by Aussie actor and comedian Shane Jacobson who is spear-heading a series of light-hearted films, that will run as part of a statewide lifejacket campaign running through to Easter. “One […]

Tough New Rules for the waste tyre Industry

Environment Minister Robyn Parker will today host tyre industry representatives at a summit and announce a plan to lower the threshold for the storage of waste tyres. Ms Parker said the NSW Government will propose a regulation change to decrease from 5000 to 500 the amount of passenger tyres allowed to be stored for recycling, […]

Consumers urged to be wary of extended warranties

Retailers across Australia have had their extended warranty practices examined by consumer protection agencies, including NSW Fair Trading. Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe said the joint operation undertaken during 2013 examined the practices of 141 retailers across Australia, including 23 in NSW. Mr Stowe said the work built on an earlier national project by consumer protection agencies that […]

Help shape the future of women’s health in Australia

The Women’s Health of Australia (WHoA!) study – part of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) – has been running since 1996. It is one of the primary vehicles for informing Australian government health policy and health services for women. Medical research teams can also apply to use the data in the work […]

Overseas Friends of BJP Australia: Launch

Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) Australia, gladly announces its formal launch in Australia here today. The launch events are being held in Sydney and Melbourne on 23rd and 24th November respectively. Working on the ideology of BJP and being in close proximity with the senior BJP leadership in India, OFBJP Australia invites people to its Launch Meeting […]