New strategy to boost Aboriginal tourism in Victoria

Minister for Tourism and Major Events Louise Asher today launched Victoria’s Aboriginal Tourism Development Strategy 2013-2023, designed to grow Victoria’s share of Australia’s Aboriginal tourism market which attracts 703,000 visitors annually. The strategy outlines a plan to facilitate the growth of Victoria’s Aboriginal tourism industry, by providing a vision to showcase the quality, diversity and […]

Chocolate Lovers to benefit from $70 million Investment

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodgkinson and Member for Murrumbidgee Adrian Piccoli today welcomed the announcement that one of the world’s largest chocolate manufacturers is establishing a $70 million hazelnut project in the Riverina. Agri Australis Pty Ltd – an Australian subsidiary of the Ferrero Group –will develop a large-scale hazelnut […]

State’s most violent venus named

Minister for Hospitality, George Souris, today released a list of the State’s most violent venues which will face a range of tough operating conditions. Mr Souris said Round 10 of the violent venues list, based on Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) data for the 2012/13 financial year, names 21 venues for excessive numbers […]

NSW facing gas supply shortage without local production

An independent report has highlighted the potential for NSW households to suffer severe gas shortages during winter months if proposed gas projects in Narrabri and Gloucester are not brought on line by 2017. Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said the findings, released today by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), supported the NSW Government’s view that […]

Public Warning from Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe

NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is warning consumers about the activities of Ms Sazma Rahman Parhin and the following entities with which she is associated – PCNTech and Solutions and PCNTech and Solutions is an online retailer of computers, peripherals and software. NSW Fair Trading cautions consumers against buying goods from the trader due to the […]

Recommissioned National Disability Insurance Scheme taskforce

Recognising the important contribution the Victorian NDIS taskforce has made towards the establishment of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Victorian Coalition Government today recommissioned the taskforce for a further three years. The contribution of the taskforce has been fundamental in shaping the first stage of the design of the NDIS, launched in Barwon on 1 July 2013. […]

Jaws of Life to be used on hoon vehicles

SES and CFA members will use the Jaws of Life on forfeited hoon cars to train for road accident rescues, Minister for Police and Emergency Services Kim Wells announced today. Mr Wells said forfeited hoon cars would be donated to the CFA and SES to enhance the training of its members in the use of […]

Victorian Companies excel at Australian Export Awards

Victorian companies have demonstrated their excellence in performing in international markets by winning four awards, including the Prime Minister’s Exporter of the Year Award at the 51st Australian Export Awards in Melbourne. The awards comprised twelve industry categories and featured seventy six national finalists including all category winners from the Governor of Victoria Export Awards. […]

New Campaign urges Australians to Travel Smarter

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has launched the new Smartraveller advertising campaign to encourage Australians to make better informed travel choices. The new advertisements feature Natalie Hensby, who was injured in a high speed boat crash on her way to a Full Moon Party in Thailand. Natalie’s story provides a real-life example of the value of the Smartraveller message. […]