Indira Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations

Indira Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations

Indira Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Primary School in Suva on 19 November 2013.  Director, Indian Cultural Centre Shri K.L. Kanojia, was the Chief Guest on the occasion, and highlighted the struggles and contributions of Smt Indira Gandhi and spoke about non-violence and harmony. The function was attended by teachers, students, […]

Victoria, get set for a sizzling summer of sailing

Victoria, get set for a sizzling summer of sailing

 Coalition provides $40,000 sailing events funding package Coalition maintaining, developing and attracting top sporting events and athletes to the state Funding boost local sport and economies and keeps Victoria in the national and international spotlight. Melbourne’s leg of the ‘Grand Slam of Olympic Sailing’, the ISAF Sailing World Cup which is currently underway in Sandringham, headlines a blockbuster […]

NSW Premier makes third official visit to India

NSW Premier makes third official visit to India

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell has today departed Sydney on his third official visit to India to promote trade and investment opportunities for NSW. During the one week visit, Mr O’Farrell will meet senior government representatives and business leaders in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mumbai with a focus on the infrastructure, education, financial services and tourism sectors. […]

Fireworks won’t take shine off Sydney Opera House

Fireworks won’t take shine off Sydney Opera House

Over 1,000 fireworks will be launched from the sails of Sydney Opera House this New Year’s Eve, using specially designed pyrotechnics to protect the world-famous building as it celebrates its 40th anniversary. The fireworks were developed specifically for the event by Foti Fireworks, so they do not damage the building’s tiled exterior. It is the […]

Sydney’s 27th ARIA awards celebrate Australian Music

Sydney’s 27th ARIA awards celebrate Australian Music

NSW Minister for Tourism, Major Events and the Arts, George Souris, has congratulated the 27th ARIA Award winners, saying it was wonderful to see so many artists from around Australia celebrating their musical talents in Sydney, the home of the ARIA Awards and Australia’s major events capital. “The NSW Government is pleased to support the […]

Australia assumes Presidency of the G20

Australia assumes Presidency of the G20

Today marks the official commencement of Australia’s Presidency of the G20. Hosting the G20 in 2014 is a big opportunity and a big responsibility for Australia. It allows us to help shape the global economic agenda for the benefit of all countries, and provides the opportunity to showcase the best of our nation. The G20’s […]

Jagdish Chaudhry, Co-ordinator Bhartiya yog sansthan in Australia, Sydney has been awarded the 2013 NSW Volunteer of the year Award.

Jagdish Chaudhry, Co-ordinator Bhartiya yog sansthan in Australia, Sydney has been awarded the 2013 NSW Volunteer of the year Award.

Jagdish Chaudhry (Sydney), Co-ordinator Bhartiya yog sansthan in Australia, Sydney has been awarded the 2013 NSW Volunteer of the year Award. In recognition, the award showcases active individual/seniors, who have shown dedication and initiative in this work and have positively contributed to the non-profit organisations for which they volunteer. At present yog centres are at the Hindi Schools […]

Deepavali 2013 Celebrations PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA

Deepavali 2013 Celebrations PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA

Can I too add my welcome to country. Can I acknowledge: Mr Surinder Datta, Deputy High Commissioner of India; Professor Nihal Agar; His Excellency Mr Rudra Kumar, Nepal, Ambassador, Embassy of Nepal; Mrs Cheryl Brown-Irava; Members of the Diplomatic Corp; Executive Members of the Hindu Council of Australia; to my many Federal Parliamentary colleagues here […]

Online shoppers preyed on by fraudsters this Christmas

Online shoppers preyed on by fraudsters this Christmas

More Australians will shop on the internet this Christmas, but a consumer advocate warns the increase in online trading could bring out more fraudsters looking to prey on time-poor and budget conscious consumers with schemes to not only take money, but personal information for purposes of identity theft. Graham Doessel, Non-Legal Director of MyCRA Lawyers, […]