Tarot Prediction April 2023

Tarot Prediction April 2023

by Pujashaktti Venus in Taurus Mar 16.23:21 – Apr 11.06:37 Mercury in Taurus Apr 3.19:10 – Jun 11.12:17 Mars in Cancer Mar 25.12:27 – May 20.17:10 1. Aries ~ Aries will shimmer thanks to new energy in April. With the appearance of spring, you will feel a high portion of inspiration to exercise, and because […]

Restart yourself by observing silence

Restart yourself by observing silence

By Dr T. Selva Silence is a powerful and often unappreciated tool that can benefit our body, mind, and soul in many ways. In a world where we are constantly bombarded by noise, from the buzz of technology to the sounds of traffic and crowds, it is easy to overlook the value of stillness. However, […]

Taj Samudra, where luxury meets comfort

Taj Samudra, where luxury meets comfort

Taj Samudra is a luxury hotel located in Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka. The hotel is owned and operated by the Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL), which is part of the Tata Group. Taj Samudra offers a range of amenities and facilities for guests, including restaurants, bars, a fitness center, a spa, swimming […]

International Women’s Day 2023: Embracing Equity

International Women’s Day 2023: Embracing Equity

On the eve of Tuesday, 7th March, Australian (Sydney) Chapter of ICAI had organised an event to celebrate International Women’s Day in collaboration with Chartered Accountants, Australia and New Zealand.  The chapter has held IWD events successfully for the last couple of years bringing in many women leaders to the forum where they share their […]

SEVA/BMS/SPEAKOUT/SLAWN celebrate International Women’s Day 2023

SEVA International Inc, Boronia Multicultural Services, Immigrant Women’s Speakout and Sri Lankan Australian Women’s Association held a joint celebration of International Women’s Day 2023 on 4th March 2023 at Auburn Centre for Community, Auburn. Sumati Advani, President SEVA International said, “International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women […]

Experience the magnificence of the jungles

Experience the magnificence of the jungles

The amalgamation of luxury camping with Taj Safaris. Wildlife safaris are unquestionably one of the most sought-after adventures of a lifetime once you’ve had the opportunity to participate in one. Prepare to lose yourself in India’s wise woodlands in advance of World Wildlife Day. Taj Safaris takes you into the sacred center of the nation’s […]

From Corn Riblets to Khakra Pizza

From Corn Riblets to Khakra Pizza

By N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe Have you faced a situation when there is a sudden snack emergency? A sudden movie release, leading to a house party with your cousins or friends, calls for cool trending snacks. Be it a surprise guest or a 6 pm hunger pang, often we have 10 minutes to figure, out which […]

Get to know the nuances and richness of Māori Culture

Nanaia Mahuta, New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs, Local Government, and Māori Development, talks about New Zealand&s rich Māori Culture. By N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe New Zealands Māori culture is diverse and complex, encompassing both traditional and contemporary arts. Throughout the country, traditional arts such as carving, weaving, kapa haka (group performance), whaikorero (oratory), and moko […]